Hey there, I’m Jessica! I’m a graphic designer turned online educator to help local businesses develop a better online presence. Whether you're just starting out or have been in business for awhile, the internet and social media are must-have marketing tools even if your business operates at a local level. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get your business looking good online!

 Learn more about me here.

-Simon Sinek
Dream big. Start Small. But most of all, start.


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If you’re a digital service provider and you’re clueless when it comes to SEO (Search Engine Optimization), I will highly recommend you check out Rank for Revenue.

Whether you’re a website designer, copywriter, online marketer, coach, virtual assistant, etc., knowing how to help your clients show up on Google is huge! As someone first hand that has floated by the last several years knowing very little about SEO, I am pretty embarrassed that I didn’t know more to help my clients and even my own website.

Feeling Inadequate as a Website Designer

Unlike many website designers today, I went to school to earn my bachelor’s degree in design and business. Although I took a Website Design class, there was no discussion of Google tracking apps, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or even website basics one should include in services as a designer. Granted, this was 10+ years ago and WordPress was just emerging as a platform. (To help date me *oy*, I had to learn how to code my website in html and use css!) 

Fast forward to a couple of years ago, I still had a handful of retainer clients – I designed their branding, website, and continued to create marketing collateral for them, yet I kept asking myself, “Am I really making a difference?” I am pretty confident when it comes to my skills when it comes to design, but when it comes to the parts of the business that really mattered, like, are my clients even showing up in basic Google Searches? – I had no idea! 

Then, I met Sara from Sara Does SEO

Through some online business group, I came to know Sara Dunn of Sara Does SEO. Intrigued at what her business is all about (as this is exactly what I want to learn!) I did what everyone does – scoped out her online presence. What impressed me about her is her easy approach to explain SEO and her experience.

[Side note: She has worked on over 300+ websites (I’ve seen her tracking reports – it’s true!! We’ll get to how I know that in a minute…) so she has tried and tested tactics and her SEO approach works!]

Aside from her client projects, Sara also hosts a monthly series called Lunch and Learn where you can find out about an SEO topic for 30 minutes. She will take a topic, break it down into easy to understand bullet points, and answer questions at the end, all without pitching a service offering. She sincerely wants to educate her wedding service audience, and even though I wasn’t her prime demographic, I was able to pick up so much good information and helpful SEO tips! 

Sara Has an Opening on Her Team

At a point in my career where I was getting frustrated with design and business in general, a new glimmer of hope came when I saw Sara was looking to grow her team. Somehow I won her over and have been a part-time member of her team for the past year. I have learned so much about SEO that it makes me wonder how I even operated my business before WITHOUT having all this knowledge! Not only am I able to better serve the handful of clients I still work with personally through my own business, but I have been able to first-hand witness the magic that Sara’s SEO teachings and methods have brought her clients several Page 1 rankings.

SEO Course for Service Businesses was Born

Due to the continuous mix of website projects that landed at Sara Does SEO where website launches went bad, expensive websites were left without keywords or any optimizations, and websites that were left with tons of broken links, Sara and the team found ourselves wanting to create something to avoid these messes. As a website designer, I was able to personally help provide Sara with insight of the frustrations and unknowns when it came to the *right way* to do SEO and how to implement it into a service business. After several meetings to review curriculum and educational tools, Rank for Revenue, a new online SEO course, was created specifically for web designers, virtual assistants, copywriters and other related service providers to get a proper SEO education.

Woooo hooooo!!

SEO Questions I Had Before Working with Sara

It’s almost embarrassing to admit these questions after the years I have been in the web design world, but I am so so thankful to myself for acknowledging my education gap and doing something about it.

Before starting to work for Sara, here are just a few of the questions I had:

  • Do keywords really matter? If so, how do you know if you have selected a good one?
  • How do you find out how your website ranks?… And what does it mean “to rank”?
  • Is there a way you can submit your website to Google to request that it get crawled?
  • How do you learn what keywords people are using to search for your website?
  • My client is launching a new website, is there something I should do before that happens?
  • Is there a way to track a website’s organic ranking and create reporting to show a client?
  • When it comes to blog content, is there anything that is supposed to be done to get people to see it? Are there types of posts that Google will rank higher? 
  • Do broken links matter? If you have a broken link, how do you fix it?… Or, how do you know if your website even has broken links??

After working with her, I can confidently provide answers to these and even get excited to dive into a client’s ranking report!

Rank for Revenue to the Rescue!

I rarely try to push products on other business owners unless I think they provide a TON of value. With Rank for Revenue, Sara not only answers all my questions above, but she deep dives into many other SEO topics to help you turn from amateur to expert.

In her course Rank for Revenue, she teaches:

  1. Keywords! How to research, select and implement keywords to a website to help that website rank.
  2. Google Search Console – This free tool from Google is critical if you are in the online digital space. She will show you how to set-up your account, submit a website and/or pages to google, and learn how to review reporting.
  3. What the heck to write about! Landing pages, blogs, and other pages on your website – stop wasting time creating content that nobody is searching for.
  4. How to track your SEO strategy and create reporting for you and your client to benefit from. (This valuable information is a great way to confidently increase your service offer pricing.)

And so much more! She is even including a Facebook Group (I’ll be in there to help answer questions!) and also four office hours to help review any questions for those that sign up in this initial course launch offering.

If you are interested in learning more about this course, feel free to check out the sales page:

I’m going to take a second to be honest here…

Am I getting commission if you use my link? Yes.
Would I promote this course without commission? DEFINITELY.

Because I truly believe that the information in this course will improve your business, I am giving my commission back by offering a free 30-minute phone call or Loom video to review any questions you have that you might not be able to ask in the Facebook Group or Office hours. (Facebook Group and Office hours are for Founding Members ONLY.)

If you have any questions, please shoot me an email. Her course offering for Founding Members is only open until October 4th!

Learn SEO with Rank for Revenue!

Business, Marketing, Resources

September 30, 2024

-Simon Sinek

Dream big. Start Small. But most of all, start.

Hey there, I’m Jessica! I’m a graphic designer turned online educator to help local businesses develop a better online presence. I believe that the internet and social media are must-have marketing tools even if your business operates at a local level. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get your business looking good online!

 Learn more about me here.


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Google Business Profile

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